When are the Shadowbrook Ridge Board Meetings Held?

Shadowbrook Ridge Board meetings are normally held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm online. Meeting details are provided on request. On occasion this meeting will occur on a different day or time when conflicts occur. It may also be held in an alternate location. Click on the Events tab above to find the date and time of the next Board meeting or email [email protected] for more information.

How much are homeowner assessments and when are they due?

Homeowner assessments are $500 per year. Homeowners are billed $250 twice per year with payments due in January and July.

Are there restrictions on rental homes in Shadowbrook Ridge?

Yes. A cap on the number of concurrent rental homes has been set to 7 and there are currently 7 approved rental homes in Shadowbrook Ridge. We are accepting applications for the rental waiting list. If you are currently renting a home in Shadowbrook Ridge without written approval by the board, you are subject to fines and other legal action. Shadowbrook Ridge is intended to be a owner occuppied community, but the board has voted to allow for 5% of the homes to be rentals. Hardship exclusions may be granted on a case by case basis. Please view the Rules & Enforcement policies under the Documents tab above, and contact Around the Clock or a board member for more details.

How do we protect our sensitive areas?

If you see anyone entering sensitve areas, dumping in these areas, or otherwise abusing them, please contact King County Code Enforcement Department of Development & Environmental Services at (206)296-6772. For serious violations in progress that may pose a threat to public safety or cause irreparable environmental damage, call (888)437-4771 and a law enforcement official will be sent out immediately.

Who performs our park landscaping?

Northwest Landscape Service is our current Landscaping provider. Click here to view their website if you would like more information on their services. For specific information on our community contract, please email the Landscaping Committee.

How do I get involved in our HOA?

Attend the next Shadowbrook Ridge Board Meeting (see events for date and time), email [email protected], or contact our property manager James Tungsvik at Around The Clock Inc.